exz-sftとは? | オーエスジー

No : 8688
公開日時 : 2024/10/22 00:00 更新日時 : 2024/11/04 14:49

What is EXZ-SFT?

Based on the basic performance of the general-purpose spiral Tap (EX-SFT), this is a "general-purpose high-durability spiral Tap " with improved chipping resistance and wear resistance through special surface treatment.

It suppresses the generation of chipping in the fully threaded section and achieves stable machining.
EXZ-SFT Third-Party Products

他社品 完全山部<span translate='no'> chipping </span>
Complete Yamabe chipping

It is suitable for a wide range of workpiece materials such as mild steel and carbon steel, ductile iron (FCD), and non-ferrous (copper and aluminum).

The EXZ-SFT is effective for securing Tap machining depths, especially in stop-hole machining where there is no pilot hole margin because the thread-side protruding center has been eliminated.
Ejection center
<span translate='no'> external center </span>は止り穴だと邪魔になる

If it's a stophole, the external center will get in the way
