タップの加工能率と切削条件の関連性 | オーエスジー

No : 8491
公開日時 : 2024/10/22 00:00 更新日時 : 2024/11/01 02:38
<span translate='no'> Tap </span>Relationship between machining efficiency and cutting data

Tap Relationship between machining efficiency and cutting data

Machining efficiency is expressed in terms of feed rate (Vf, mm/min).
The formula for calculating the feed rate of Tap is Vf = pitch ×n (rotation speed = number of revolutions in 1 minute) ...
The formula for calculating the rotation speed is n = (Vc (cutting speed) ×1000) / (3.14× Dc (tool diameter)) ...

Therefore, if (2) is applied to (1)
Vf = pitch × (Vc×1000)/(3.14×dc).
The Tap must advance one pitch in one revolution, just like the screw, and the Dc is also determined by the size of the screw.
(If M10×1.5, then Dc = 10 and pitch = 1.5.) )
Therefore, it is possible to process at a high feed rate (Vf) only by increasing the cutting speed Vc.
So, is it okay to increase the cutting speed (Vc) unnecessarily?
The cutting speed of the Tap is introduced in the catalog as a recommended range. Please try it at a lower level first, and if it seems to work, try it by gradually increasing the condition.
