先端角とは ドリル先端角の効果 | オーエスジー

No : 7624
公開日時 : 更新日時 : 2024/08/28 02:29

What is point angle Effects of Drill point angle

point angle is the angle of the tip of the drill.

In general, 118° is the standard for high-speed steel, and 140° is standard for carbide steel.

The smaller the point angle , the smaller the vertical resistance (thrust resistance), but the tip is chipping easier and the chips are thinner. As the point angle increases, the chips will be thicker, shorter, and better, but the thrust resistance will be larger.


point angle and net depth of cut

  point angle Small point angle Large
 If the point angle is small (sharp angle), the chips will become thinner and tend to remain extended.  If the point angle is large (obtuse angle), the chips are thick, easy to divide, and have high discharge.

L: Cut flute length ⇒ L1 > L2

t: Chip thickness ⇒ t1 < t2

f: Amount of feed per revolution

The larger the chip shape, the better the point angle



References: point angle and Thrust Resistance

  point angle Small   point angle Large

  point angle is easier to enter the smaller one (sharp angle)

R: Cutting force

R1: Thrust resistance: The force of resistance applied in the opposite direction to the direction of travel

R2: Rotational force


point angle

Small point angle General point angle Big point angle
Example: 90° Example: 118° Example: 140°