チタン加工におけるタップ選定のポイントは?<耐熱合金> | オーエスジー

No : 373
公開日時 : 2019/02/25 16:55 更新日時 : 2022/08/25 17:51

There are two types of titanium: pure titanium (e.g., two types of titanium) and titanium alloys (e.g., Ti-6Al-4V). First of all, in the case of pure titanium, we recommend stainless steel taps or A-taps with good sharpness because the hardness of the workpiece material is not high. In the case of titanium alloys, many of them have a hardness of more than 30 HRC, so we recommend the CPM tap series for difficult-to-cut materials and taps for titanium alloys.