一厘 (一厘) is the unit used to represent size in inches.
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 minute (ichibu) = 1/8 inch = 3.175 mm
一厘 (いちりん) = 1/10 of 1 minute (ichibu) = 0.3175mm
It may be used as a word to express "Ichirinbuto = about 0.3mm thick".
In addition, "Ichirinbuto no tap" means that the oversize amount of the tap is +0.3 mm, although it is often used to apply "dobutting plating" after the tap process.
In OSG's oversize lineup, STD+1 and STD+3 are expressed as standard sizes called STDs.
If the thread pitch is greater than 0.7, the amount of oversize is +0.02mm for every STD+1.
Anything with a pitch of 0.6 or less is an oversize amount of +0.015mm.