リングゲージが取れなくなった時の対応方法 | オーエスジー

No : 213
Published : 2024/10/22 00:00 Modified : 2024/11/01 02:38
What to do if you can't get the ring<span translate='no'> gauge </span>

What to do if you can't get your ring gauge off 

One of the reasons why it can't be removed is that the gauge is stuck at an angle.

It is better to hit them lightly with a plastic hammer or mallet so that the axes of each other are aligned, or to slightly heat the ring side and expand it to pull it out.

* You can also refer to other technical information about gauge from the OSG website.

In the Technical Data section, see Screw gauge . (PDF format)

Reference: OSG Technical Data

