シングルポイント プラネットカッタシリーズのtm3sc 28c36-144-3u この工具のシャンク径はφ28だが、これを保持するツーリングは? | オーエスジー

No : 170
公開日時 : 2024/10/22 00:00 更新日時 : 2024/11/01 02:38
TM3SC 28C36-144-3U of the single-point <span translate='no'> threadmill </span>series The shank diameter of this tool is φ28, what tooling is used to hold it?

TM3SC 28C36-144-3U of the single-point threadmill series The shank diameter of this tool is φ28, what tooling is used to hold it?

Daishowa Seiki
OCA32-28 (Straight Collet with Oil Hole)

The hydraulic chuck type holder that corresponds to the shank diameter Φ28 is a "hydro chuck".



Nikken Kosakusho
BT50-C32-105 (milling chuck) KM32-28 (collet)

OtherΦ28 compatible straight collet
KM42-28, NK42-28 (both without oil holes)

(According to our research in early 2016)

Please check with the touring manufacturer for details.
