pfdcボディにpsfの鋼用インサートを取り付ければ鋼加工にも使えるのか? | オーエスジー

No : 13949
Published : 2024/10/22 00:00 Modified : 2024/11/01 02:38
If PSF steel inserts are attached to the PFDC body, can they be used for steel processing?

If PSF steel inserts are attached to the PFDC body, can they be used for steel processing?

The PFDC insert can be installed with a 4-corner shoulder milling cutter PSF insert. However, since PFDC is only a design specification for aluminum and resin processing, only CK010 and XP4610, which are grades for non-ferrous metals, can be shared with PSF. It is not recommended to use PSF steel insert grades in PFDC.
